The Dream Lab meets weekly to explore dreaming in all its forms. Although this includes the dreaming that happens in our sleep and daydreams, it is concerned with all the things that the dreaming faculty does: visioning, memory, and most of all, imagination. 

The Dream Lab will be divided into two parts…
Group Work (exploration & discussion)
We'll look at materials from lots of sources about myth, lucid dreaming, comics, film clips, art works, etc. - Games—we’ll play and invent (dream up) games - World design—can we dream up our own holidays/ celebrations? Can we dream up a physical space? Can we dream up a future small town (like ours)?
Individual Projects
- Kids can choose what they want to do: visual art, puppet/ mask creation, characters, comics, writing, short film making, poetry, making worlds in spaces/ sculpture
For whom is this program?
This program is for kids ages 8-12 yrs. old.
Who is leading this?
This will be led by Matthew Glassman, with others from the UnNameable Children's Project and curriculum support and co-design, by Sarah Hertel-Fernandez, director of the Belding Library in Ashfield.

October 11 - Dec 19
Wednesdays 3:30-5:30 PM
(2:30 start on early dismissal days)
@ Belding Memorial Library, Ashfield
Culminates with Solstice dinner & bonfire celebration.

the un-nameable children’s project

dream lab

Suggested Tuition: $200-$300
*As always, tuition is pay-what-you-can. Barter and/ or Scholarships available